Amusings, Hauntings, Wantings


What is this thing we associate with existence?

Does anyone actually think about it, or realize that they exist?

Is your mortality of concern, do you contemplate your role on this planet, the universe?

If you think about the vastness of the universe does that make your existence superficial, your beliefs, wants, problems insignificant?

Do you realize that all humans are composed of the same ingredients, that our identity / personality is based on a hierarchical chemical storage in our brain?

Take out the surface layer of our brain, (the crumpled grey matter) it's the size of a dinner napkin. Our memory is stored here.

This is all that separates us.

Yet, there are those that think themselves superior. That use the masses to support them, that treat people as 'others', treat women as a conquest, push their belief system on others, blindly obey their leaders, that kill in the name of God and country, that abuse others and themselves, that vote by television ads, and that thank God for winning an Academy award, or scoring a touchdown.

I find it odd that if life is so precious then why do we only get to experience it once for a short time. That we dont get to experience life as another gender, another race, another social class, another period of time.

I feel ripped off.

The world would be better if we were all grey and without gender, and borders.

This is what I ponder, and the 'end' terrifies me. 

Because logically its like turning off a light.

installation images

Floor plan of the gallery installation


Title wall: 3 videos

Statement: video

Social commentary facts: Stickers

Material issues: sculptural collage

Kiss Me: 2 videos, live video capture, MRI scans

My Greatest Fear: 54 minute audio synched with video, kinetic rocking chair

Neural Network: 10 sculptural 'pop up' collages, image transfer on wood, fiber optic lights, acrylic tubing

Be Aware: Left & Right Hemispheres: 2 Videos, 34 minutes. Captured Video from moving Vehicles, MRI brain scans, Text

You Spin Me: Skull, turntable, laser lights, light bulbs

Neural Network:
(Series of 10) Pop-up collages on hand-cut wood, acrylic tube, led lights

Be Aware: Left & Right Hemispheres:
2 Videos, 34 minutes. Captured Video from moving Vehicles, MRI brain scans, Text

My Greatest Fear: 54 minute audio synched with video, kinetic rocking chair

© 2025 Stephen Anderson